
This document describes changes between past releases. For information about future releases, check milestones [1] and Vision.

0.8.1 (2014-10-28)

Fixing some URLs in documentation.

  • Bug #76: fixed some broken links in documentation (milestones, pytest markers). Checking documentation links as part of Sphinx tests.

0.8 (2014-05-05)

Integration with pytest and support for Python 3.4.

  • Feature #50: pytest can collect and run healthchecks.
  • Feature #65: added support for Python 3.4.
  • Refactoring #62: moved tests outside distribution, i.e. hospital.tests is no longer available. Tests now live in hospital’s repository only.
  • Refactoring #59: removed nose and rednose from sphinx requirements in tox.ini.
  • Refactoring #58: removed useless all target in Makefile.

0.7 (2014-04-15)


  • Bug #52: fixed test discovery in packages and modules located outside working directory. Was raising exceptions such as AssertionError: Path must be within the project and ValueError: Attempted relative import in non-package.
  • Feature #54: README (and documentation index) shows a simple example.
  • Bug #51: documentation footer now mentions “BSD license” next to the copyright. Was missing, readers could believe the project is not open source.

0.6 (2014-03-07)

Improvements around CLI and WSGI features.

  • Feature #44: hospital.wsgi.application is a WSGI endpoint. Added documentation about running healthcheck service with Gunicorn, Chaussette, Circus, and Django via twod.wsgi.
  • Feature #47: hospital-cli and hospital-serve commands are a convenient way to use hospital.cli and hospital.wsgi.

0.5 (2014-02-28)

Introduced CLI and WSGI. They offer basic features (with experimental implementation), but they should be enough as proof of concepts.

  • Feature #39: python -m hospital.cli collects and runs healthchecks.
  • Feature #20: python -m hospital.wsgi runs a web server that collects and runs healthchecks on HTTP GET.

0.4 (2014-02-25)

Improvements around output of builtin assertions.

  • Feature #33: builtin assertions functions accept optional msg argument.
  • Bugfix #31: when assert_http_response() fails, it provides comprehensive message (was “AssertionError” without details about URL and reason).

0.3 (2014-02-09)

Documentation review and development environment refactoring: let’s try to simplify usage and development of hospital.

  • Feature #25: the Makefile in project’s repository no longer creates a virtualenv. Developers setup the environment as they like, i.e. using virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper or whatever. Added documentation about the Makefile scope and usage.
  • Feature #19: reviewed contributor guide, added branching policy.
  • Feature #24: added note about project’s status in documentation.
  • Feature #21: reviewed API documentation.
  • Bugfix #18: README can be rendered as HTML with Fixes PyPI information page.

0.2 (2013-12-27)

Documentation review, API refactoring, addition of some assertions.

  • Feature #17: introduced assert_http_response assertion.
  • Feature #16: introduced assert_supported_python_version assertion.
  • Feature #15: exposed API at root of hospital package. Items not exposed in this root API may be moved without notice, whereas root API is tested and refactoring will be documented.
  • Feature #14: introduced healthcheck decorator. Deprecates former HealtCheck base class (not removed in this version).
  • Feature #13: dropped support of Python 2.6
  • Feature #12: introduced support of Python 3.3
  • Feature #11: project has mailing-list
  • Feature #10: project has IRC channel #python-hospital on freenode.
  • Bugfix #9: Fixed examples in README.
  • Feature #8: introduced assert_ping assertion.
  • Feature #7: added tests around hospital’s Python API.

0.1 (2013-05-11)

  • Feature #6: added support for TravisCI continuous integration
  • Feature #5: introduced documentation
  • Feature #4: imported HealthCheckLoader from django-doctor.
  • Feature #3: introduced DistributionHealthCheck.
  • Feature #2: introduced PredictableHealthCheck.
  • Feature #1: imported HealthCheck from django-doctor.
  • Initialized project

Notes & references
